
Lesson 1

Lesson 2

Lesson 3

  • Teachers - Discuss the details of the video and what means with your students. Ask questions like...

    • Anyone know what you call the advertisements that "pop-up" on your computer screen?​

    • How many people were in the room and playing the game?

    • Why is it important to always have an adult (Mom or Dad) in the room with you when you use the Internet?

    • What might have happened if the little boy clicked on the pop-up instead of clicking on the X to close the pop-up advertisement?

    • Why is it important NOT to click on pop-up windows of any kind?

Be Internet Awesome - With Google Digital Safety Resources!

This is more than just one lesson. It is a site containing multiple games and activities. Students take part in an online adventure game called Interland where they learn about digital safety and citizenship the fun way.

Teachers will find several links to downloadable lessons covering a wide range of skills and tips to help students become better digital citizens.

It is recommended that teachers work on the following lesson and guide their students through it together or allow students to work with an elbow partner or small group.

The lesson/s are advised for grades K-2, but I believe students up to grade 4 will also find much of the information helpful.

Code.org, in collaboration with Common Sense Media developed this lesson for elementary or middle school students.

It should take approximately 30 minutes, but this could be spread out over the course of a few days.

Begin by selecting HERE.